Come home to your body.

Join the movement to co-create a more compassionate world by first returning to your center.

To embody radical self care is to live intentionally, by making choices that support not only your individual wellbeing, but the wellbeing of others and the planet. In this workshop, you will build the foundation for an intentional lifestyle that prioritizes both purpose and pleasure by allowing replenishment to be a part of your work and your activism. We will focus on Ayurvedic practices that invite you to come home to your body and deepen your connection with others.

Here's what you'll get...

    1. WELCOME | Introduction

    2. PRESENTATION | 40 Min

    3. OPPORTUNITY | Keep the Momentum

    4. BONUS GIFT | Essential Routine Checklist

    5. RESOURCES | Explore + Integrate

    6. MORE SUPPORT | Connect with Us

About this course

  • $24.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Invest in Personal & Collective Wellness

Thank you for supporting our work ♡

Meet Your Instructor

Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Wellness Educator, E-RYT 500 Molly McConnell, AP

Molly is a NAMA Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Wellness Educator, and self-proclaimed Self Care Extraordinaire committed to living intentionally and supporting others in their process do the same. She strives to uplift themes of collective wellness and radical self-love in all of her work. With a bachelor’s degree in Women & Gender Studies and more than 2,000 hours of Ayurvedic study and clinical experience at Alandi Gurukula, Molly is a lover of both learning and unlearning. She is humbled to share this ancient wisdom as it intersects with more contemporary themes of feminism, equity and justice.


Restore resilience and work/life balance using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda.

Cover photo by Laura Bartczak.