Restore digestive balance and cleanse toxins.

In this eye-opening course, you will learn to...

  • Nourish

    Use food as a tool for returning to balance. Learn what to eat, how to eat and when to eat for your unique mind body type.

  • Transform

    Experience easy, comfortable, and consistent digestion with simple dietary shifts that will support your unique metabolism.

  • Detoxify

    Understand how to identify, reduce and prevent toxic build up in the body by harnessing your digestive power.

This course is written for you if you...

  • struggle with gas, bloating, acidity, constipation or loose stools

  • feel like something is "off" in your digestive system and want to understand the root cause

  • are curious about what foods you should be eating for your unique mind body type

  • want to rid your body of toxic metabolic waste

  • desire a life of energy, clarity, vitality and deep nourishment

Discover next level nourishment.

Healthy digestion is the foundation for deep, satisfying wellness.

By participating in these 4 in depth modules, you will learn how to nourish your unique mind body constitution through diet. You'll discover the root causes of your digestive imbalances, and begin to experience freedom from gas, bloating, acidity, constipation and loose stools. You will also gain an understanding of how to identify, prevent and reduce toxic build up in the body by harnessing your digestive power. When you do, you'll find you have more clarity, energy and vitality.

Take this course to...

  • Discover the 3 types of digestive imbalances and which one applies to you

  • Identify the signs of optimal digestion and understand how to achieve it

  • Access simple remedies for daily digestive discomfort

  • Enjoy new recipes and remedies suited to your digestive needs

  • Learn to unlock the nutrients within your food for more optimal absorption

  • Remove toxins and unclog your bodily channels to support tissue nourishment

Course curriculum

Part 2 | Nourishment for Vitality

    1. Introducing The Art of Ayurveda

    2. Learn more about what's to come!

    3. Part 2 | Nourishment for Vitality

    4. Join the Private Facebook Group!

    5. DOWNLOAD | Transcription (Optional)

    1. Appreciating Agni

    2. Types of Agni Imbalance

    3. AGNI TYPE QUIZ | What's up with my digestion?

    4. The Agni Guides

    5. HANDOUTS | Agni Guides

    6. Honoring Your Agni

    7. HANDOUT | A Simple Guide to Healthy Agni

    8. QUIZ 1 | Agni

    9. VIDEO | Check in

    10. QUICK TIP | Overcoming barriers

    1. The Formation of Toxins (aka Āma)

    2. WORKSHEET | Recognizing + Addressing Āma

    3. Detoxing Āma

    4. DOWNLOAD | Revitalize Kitchari Cleanse

    5. QUICK TIP | Overcoming Barriers

    6. QUIZ 4 | Āma

    7. VIDEO | Check in

    8. QUICK TIP | Overcoming barriers

    1. Ayurvedic Nutrition

    2. WORKSHEET | Food Diary

    3. HANDOUT | Simple Meal Flow Charts VPK

    4. Heating vs. Cooling Foods

    5. DOWNLOAD | Full Body Scan Audio

    6. HANDOUT | The Six Tastes

    7. The Six Tastes

    8. QUIZ 2 | The Six Tastes

    9. Three Season Eating

    10. Nourishing Yourself

    11. VIDEO | Check in

    12. QUICK TIP | Overcoming barriers

    1. Mindful Eating

    2. Wise Food Combining

    3. HANDOUT | Wise Food Combining

    4. The Addition of Agni

    5. Eating with Awareness

    6. Conscious Food Sourcing

    7. Recipes + Guides

    8. RECIPE | Ayurvedic Recipe Guide

    9. HANDOUT | Ayurvedic Spice Guide

    10. QUIZ 3 | Ayurvedic Cooking

    11. VIDEO | Check In

    12. QUICK TIP | Overcoming barriers

    1. Final Review

    2. QUIZ | Final

    3. Final Reflection

    4. Moving Forward

    5. Additional Resources

    6. Nice work!

About this course

  • $79.00
  • 53 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

As a student in this course you will receive...

  • 4 in-depth modules of learning material + quizzes

  • Checklists for assessing digestive fire and toxins

  • 3 guides for healing distinct digestive imbalances

  • Downloadable meal flow charts for each dosha

  • Handouts on The Six Tastes + Proper Food Combining

  • An Ayurvedic Spice Guide + Ayurvedic Recipe Guide

  • Access to a private Facebook group with instructors + fellow students for community support

This is Part 2 of The Art of Ayurveda

Purchase the complete course ...& save almost 20%!

  • $195.00

    The Art of Ayurveda: Ancient Secrets for Self Care

    By completing all three courses in this series, you will shift how you experience your body now and lay the foundation for a lifetime of health and radiance.

Self-Paced Learning

Integrate the knowledge and practices on your own schedule

Once you have completed Part 1, you may begin Part 2 and work through course modules at your own pace. We recommend that you complete one module per week to give yourself time to integrate the information and practices. Each module and its coursework will take approximately one hour to complete. If you work through Part 2 at this pace, you will complete all four modules in one month, and can move on to Part 3.



On its own, Part 2 | Nourishment for Vitality is priced at $79. 

For THE BEST DEAL, consider enrolling in the full 3-part Art of Ayurveda course now for only $199 total. 

Sliding scale available for BIPOC and employees of non-profits — please email [email protected]

Monthly payment plans available. See below.

Payment Options

A small investment can make a big difference in your life.

Hey...don't forget!

Consider enrolling in the full Art of Ayurveda course to save almost 20% on all three parts.

Social proof: reviews

5 star rating

I feel the best I've ever felt

Onika Hudson

I am in awe of how a few very simple recommendations made such a huge shift in the way my digestive system feels, which ripples out into how I feel in the re...

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I am in awe of how a few very simple recommendations made such a huge shift in the way my digestive system feels, which ripples out into how I feel in the rest of my life. This course is packed with detailed information, yet it was some of the most simple changes that actually made the biggest difference — for example, eating cooked food instead of raw salads like I was doing before! The best part is, not only do I feel lighter and more clear, I ALSO feel more satisfied than ever. I truly believe that this course will change the life of everyone who takes it!

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5 star rating

Learning about food combining actually changed my life.

Mary M

Before Ayurveda came into my life, I always thought my digestive discomforts (heaviness, burping, low appetite) were related to specific foods.. but, I could...

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Before Ayurveda came into my life, I always thought my digestive discomforts (heaviness, burping, low appetite) were related to specific foods.. but, I could never quite figure it out! As soon as a stopped combining fruit with other foods and started allowing sufficient time for digestion in between meals, I began to experience the most comfortable/consistent digestion of my life! I feel lighter, more nourished and more in tune with my cravings than ever before. I also had no idea what a difference cooking with spices could make! Not only are my meals tasting better, but I feel like I am actually absorbing the nutrients, AND am noticing more sustained energy as a result.

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5 star rating

Real-world Nourishment!

Justine Brashear

As I went through this course, so many light bulbs went off for me. I've struggled with Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism which has lead to me being overweight and ...

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As I went through this course, so many light bulbs went off for me. I've struggled with Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism which has lead to me being overweight and sore all of the time. By gaining an understanding of how my body reacts to specific foods, this course has allowed me to make some life-changing dietary habits. I definitely notice the difference now when I feed myself foods intended for my body constitution versus ones that affect me adversely. I so appreciate all of the downloadable information Sierra and Molly provide as reference material for me to go back to as needed!

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5 star rating

An absolute must

Kelsy Davis

Two of the loveliest humans providing an abundance of information for self transformation. This course comes with incredible guides for recipes, spices, and ...

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Two of the loveliest humans providing an abundance of information for self transformation. This course comes with incredible guides for recipes, spices, and food-combining that will shift the way you view eating and mindfulness. I’m so grateful for this course!

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Meet Your Instructors

We are delighted to be with you!

Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner + Wellness Educator, RYT 500 Molly McConnell

Molly is a NAMA Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Wellness Educator, and self-proclaimed Self Care Extraordinaire dedicated to inspiring wellness in the world around her. She is an advocate for body-positivity, self-love and the realness of an individual’s experience. After more than 2,000 hours of Ayurvedic study and clinical experience at Alandi Gurukula, Molly is eager to continue sharing and exploring the healing wisdom of Ayurveda.

M.A., Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner + Educator, Doula Sierra Brashear

Sierra Brashear, MA is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, DONA-trained doula, herbalist and wellness educator. Inspired by the rhythms and elements of nature, Sierra weaves her knowledge of Ayurveda into the wellness education and guidance she provides at Cultivate Balance. She believes that by tuning in to this ancient wisdom, we will discover contemporary ways to heal ourselves, our families and our planet. She is a graduate of Alandi Ayurveda's 2-year 2,000+ hour Practitioner of Ayurveda program in Boulder, Colorado, and is also founder of Vibrant Souls and co-founder of Moon Bath.